Results for: fluid mechanics
fluid mechanics
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Bio ItemOumar Barry , bio
Associate Professor
Bio ItemJonathan Boreyko , bio
Associate Professor, John R. Jones III Faculty Fellow
Bio ItemJiangtao Cheng , bio
Associate Professor, Associate Professor of Health Sciences
Bio ItemThomas Diller , bio
Professor Emeritus
Bio ItemBrian Lattimer , bio
Department Head and Professor, Nicholas and Rebecca Des Champs Chair
Bio ItemMark Paul , bio
Associate Department Head for Faculty Affairs, Professor
Bio ItemHodjat Pendar , bio
Bio ItemRui Qiao , bio
Professor, John R. Jones III Faculty Fellow
Bio ItemAnne Staples , bio
Associate Professor
Bio ItemMark Stremler , bio
Professor, Engineering Mechanics Graduate Chair
Bio ItemDanesh Tafti , bio
Associate Department Head for Graduate Studies, William S. Cross Professor
Bio ItemAlexandrina Untaroiu , bio
Associate Professor