Greater Washington, DC Metro Area

Since 1969, Virginia Tech’s campus in the DC Metro Area has fostered world-class education, innovation, and research. Offering online and on-site graduate training in Mechanical Engineering and Nuclear Engineering, the department continues to focus on solutions to critical problems at the intersection of science, technology and government.
The DC-area Mechanical Engineering program offers students the quality of a Virginia Tech graduate degree in a setting closer to their busy lives. Full-time and part-time students seek certificate, master's, and doctoral degrees in two distinct majors: mechanical engineering and nuclear engineering. Hybrid programs are offered with a combination of in-person and online courses. Classes are held at the VTRC-Arlington and the Innovation Campus in Alexandria. Both buildings are metro-accessible.
Mechanical Engineering Faculty in the DC Area
Bio ItemOumar Barry , bio
Associate Professor
Bio ItemAlireza Haghighat , bio
Robert E. Hord Jr. Professor, Director of Nuclear Engineering Program
Bio ItemRanga Pitchumani , bio
George R. Goodson Professor
Bio ItemShima Shahab , bio
Associate Professor, Mary V. Jones Faculty Fellow