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Mechanical Engineering is a wide field of study, diving into the way things work to create new approaches and tools.  At Virginia Tech, the researchers in the Department of Mechanical Engineering are divided into these focus areas:

Bioinspired Engineering

Nature is often the best engineer, and studying the complex systems found in the natural world often leads to novel solutions. Researchers in this area have taken the mechanics found in insects, sea creatures, humans, and other organisms to tackle complex global issues.

Dynamics, Vibrations, and Acoustics

When energy travels, it creates a response. Whether it travels across a solid surface or through the air, the study of those effects yields possibilities for automotives, medical devices, the power grid, and more.

Nuclear Engineering

The use of nuclear energy, the policies surrounding its implementation, and the safety of its deployment are the strengths of faculty in the Nuclear Engineering Focus Area. Members of this team have been instrumental in the expansion of nuclear energy in Virginia, and maintain international partnerships to offer highly competitive opportunities to students.

Robotics and Autonomous Systems

One of the oldest disciplines in mechanical engineering is also the seat of some of its most groundbreaking innovations. In addition to the legacy approach which includes metal parts and controls, faculty have been widely recognized for their contributions in soft robotics, mechatronics, autonomous systems, adaptive systems, and more.

Thermo-Fluid Sciences

The movement of heat and the flow of fluids has a wide variety of applications including technology, health care, food science, propulsion, and consumer products. Research in this area includes mathematical modeling and physical testing to drive new breakthroughs.

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Jonathan Boreyko
David Gonzales
Scott Huxtable
Brian Lattimer
Roop Mahajan
Mark Paul
Rui Qiao
Danesh Tafti
Alexandrina Untaroiu
Michael von Spakovsky