Alireza Haghighat
Director of Nuclear Engineering Program
- Robert E. Hord Jr. Professor

Virginia Tech Research Center (VTRC)
900 N. Glebe Road
Arlington, VA 22203
900 N. Glebe Road
Arlington, VA 22203
Development of advanced particle transport methods
- Multi-stage, Response-function particle Transport (MRT) methodology and its application
- Hybrid parallel numerical (Sn, Method of Characteristic, Ray-Tracing & Fictitious Quadrature) particle transport theory methods
- Automated variance reduction techniques for fixed-source and eigenvalue Monte Carlo calculations, e.g., CADIS - Consistent Adjoint Driven Importance Sampling**
Development of advanced particle transport codes
Development of collaborative Virtual Reality Systems for Scientific Computing
Application of Particle Transport Methods and Codes for design and analysis of nuclear systems (with application to power, security and nonproliferation, and medicine):
Advanced reactor core designs (molten salt and solid fuel)
- Computational methods in reactor physics and shielding
- Algorithms for image reconstruction in medical devices
- Advanced algorithms for generation of multigroup nuclear cross sections
- Sensitivity, perturbation methods and uncertainty quantification
- NSEG 5124, Nuclear Reactor Analysis
- NSEG 5134, Monte Carlo Methods for Particle Transport
- NSEG 6124 , Particle Transport Methods and Application
- NSEG 6134, Advanced Reactor Physics
- Leader -Virginia Tech Transport Theory Group [VT3G]
- Member - ICTAS' Global Energy and Materials Initiative
-- Leader Multiphysics for Advance Reactor Simulation [MARS] Center - Member Center for Neutrino Physics
-- Member The CHANDLER Detector Project - Collaborator - Creation of a Collaborative Virtual Reality System
- Georgia Institute of Technology
- Idaho National Lab
- Idaho State University
- North Carolina State University
- Oak Ridge National Lab
- Ohio State University
- Politecnico di Torino, Switzerland
- Politecnico di Torino, Italy
- Jozef Stefan Institute - Reactor Physics Division, Slovenia
- Framatome
- Holtec International
- Southern Nuclear
- TerraPower
- Westinghouse
- Alireza Haghighat, “Test and Education Microreactor ,” Provisional Patent Application filed, U.S. Patent Application No: 63/181,392, April 29, 2021 (VTIP No.: 21-113)
- Alireza Haghighat, Valerio Mascolino, and Nicholas Polys, “Collaborative Virtual Reality System for Scientific Computing,” Provisional Patent Application filed, U.S. Patent Application No: 62/657,047, April 23, 2018 (VTIP No.: 18-105).
- Alireza Haghighat, William Walters, and Nathan Roskoff, “RAPID Particle Transport Methodology for Real-time Simulation of Nuclear Systems” Provisional Patent Application Filed, US Patent Application No. 62/582,709, Nov 7, 2017 (VTIP 18-047).
- Alireza Haghighat and Katherine Royston, “Deterministic Particle Transport for Medical Image Reconstruction (DMIR),” Provisional Patent Application filed, US Patent Application No. 62/162,159, April 26, 2015 (VTIP 15097).
See Dr. Haghighat's publications and research on Google Scholar.
- 2017-Present, Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Virginia Tech
- 2016-Present, Director, Nuclear Engineering Program
- 2011-Present, Professor, Nuclear Engineering, Director of NSEL at Arlington
- 2009–2011, Endowed Chair Professor, Florida Power & Light
- 2008–2010, Director of University of Florida Training Reactor
- 2001-2009, Professor and Chair, University of Florida
- 2008–2009, Interim Director, University of Florida Training Reactor 2004–Present, Interim Director, Florida Institute of Nuclear Detection & Security (FINDS)
- 2005–Present, President and CEO of HSW Technologies, LLC
- 2006–2007, Chair, Nuclear Engineering Department Heads Organization (NEDHO)
- 1998-2001, Professor, Pennsylvania State University
- 1998, Visiting Scientist at SCK•CEN, Mol, Belgium
- 1993, Associate Professor, Pennsylvania State University
- 1990, Faculty Research Participant, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Engineering, Physics and Mathematics Division (EPMD)
- 1989, Assistant Professor, Pennsylvania State University
- 1988, Research Associate, Pennsylvania State University
- 1986, Research Assistant, Pennsylvania State University
- 2011 - ANS Radiation Protection and Shielding Division’s Professional Excellence Award
- 2009 - Florida Power & Light Endowed Term Professorship
- 2009 - Recipient of a recognition award from DOE for leadership & contributions to design and analysis for the UFTR HEU to LEU fuel conversion
- 2002 - ANS Fellow, Pioneering contributions to the development of accurate and efficient deterministic and stochastic particle transport theory methods
- Ph.D. - Nuclear Engineering, University of Washington, 1986
- M.S. - Nuclear Engineering, University of Washington, 1981
- B.S. - Physics, Pahlavi (Shiraz) University, 1978