David Gonzales
Collegiate Associate Professor

465 Data & Decision Sciences Building (0238)
727 Prices Fork Road
Blacksburg, VA 24061
727 Prices Fork Road
Blacksburg, VA 24061
Prior to joining the Department of Mechanical Engineering, David Gonzales spent 10 years conducting thermal, performance, and integrated logistics analysis on military and civilian turboshaft engines for helicopter application at GE Aviation. Prior to GE, he was employed by MIT Lincoln Laboratory where he worked on conceptual and preliminary design projects related to national defense.
- Gonzales, D., “Analytical models for state-specific diatomic dissociation rate coefficients,” Int. J. Chem. Kin. 29, 791-801 (1997).
- Gonzales, D. and P. Varghese, “Vibrational relaxation models for dilute shock heated gases,” Chem. Phys. 195, 83-91 (1995).
- Gonzales, D. and P. Varghese, “Evaluation of simple rate expressions for vibration-dissociation coupling,” J. Thermophys. Heat Trans. 8, 236-243 (1993).
- Gonzales, D. and P. Varghese, “A simple model for state-specific diatomic dissociation,” J. Phys. Chem. 97, 7612-7622 (1993).
- Gonzales, D. and R. Baker, “Micropropulsion using a Nd:YAG microchip laser,” Invited paper, in High Power Laser Ablation IV, SPIE Proceedings, Vol. 4760, C.R. Phipps, ed., Taos, 752-765 (2002).
- Gonzales, D. and R. Baker, “Microchip laser propulsion for small satellites,” AIAA Paper 2001-3789, 37th Joint Propulsion Conf., Salt Lake City (2001).
- Varghese, P. and D. Gonzales, “Non-equilibrium chemistry models for shock-heated gases,” in Molecular Physics and Hypersonic Flows, M. Capitelli (ed.), Kluwer Academic, Netherlands, 105-114 (1996).
- Foutter, R. and D. Gonzales, “Increased thruster performance using pressure-induced recombination,” AIAA Paper 95-2783, 31st Joint Propulsion Conf., San Diego (1995).
- Breuer, K., E. Piekos and D. Gonzales, “DSMC simulation of continuum flows,” AIAA Paper 95-2088, 30th Thermophysics Conf., San Diego (1995).
- 2022-present: Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Virginia Tech
- 2018-2022: Supportability & Maintainability Leader/Engineer, GE Aviation, Lynn, MA
- 2016-2018: CT7 / T700 Thermal and Performance Engineer, GE Aviation, Lynn, MA
- 2014-2016: Manager, Turboshaft/Turboprop Thermal Systems Design, GE Aviation, Lynn, MA
- 2012-2014: Team Leader, Turboshaft/Turboprop Thermal Systems Design, GE Aviation, Lynn, MA
- 1996-2012: Member of Technical Staff, MIT Lincoln Laboratory, MIT
- 1999-2007: Adjunct Assistant Professor, Department of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering, Boston University
- 1993-1996: Assistant Professor, Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics, MIT
- 1985-1987: Design Engineer, Lockheed Austin Division, Austin, TX
- 1983-1985: Aerospace Engineer, Naval Air Rework Facility, Alameda, CA
- Excellence in Teaching, Virginia Tech College of Engineering, 2024.
- Charles Stark Draper Career Development Chair, MIT Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 1993-1995.
- GE Foundation Faculty for the Future Award, 1993.
- NASA Graduate Minority Engineering Training Grant, 1987-1992.
- NASA Preface Scholarship, 1979.
- 1993: Ph.D. Aerospace Engineering University of Texas at Austin 1993
- 1989: M.S. Aerospace Engineering University of Texas at Austin 1989
- 1983: B.S. Mechanical Engineering University of New Mexico