Results for: education
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Bio ItemBilel Aidi , bio
Advanced Instructor
Bio ItemJeffrey Bolton , bio
Advanced Instructor
Bio ItemSneha Davison , bio
Advanced Instructor
Bio ItemRaffaella De Vita , bio
Associate Department Head of Research, Professor
Bio ItemDavid Dillard , bio
Adhesive and Sealant Science Professor
Bio ItemThomas Diller , bio
Professor Emeritus
Bio ItemChris Galitz , bio
Advanced Instructor
Bio ItemMary Kasarda , bio
Associate Professor
Bio ItemRoop Mahajan , bio
Lewis A. Hester Chair in Engineering
Bio ItemMatt Nowinski , bio
Collegiate Associate Professor
Bio ItemKelly Scarff , bio
Collegiate Assistant Professor and Technical Communication Program Director
Bio ItemJoshua Sole , bio
Professor of Practice, Director of Mechanical Engineering Capstone Senior Design Program
Bio ItemSevak Tahmasian , bio
Advanced Instructor
Bio ItemLinda Vick , bio
Associate Professor of Practice
Bio ItemJeff Warfford , bio
Collegiate Associate Professor
Bio ItemRobert West , bio
Associate Professor
Bio ItemChristopher Williams , bio
L.S. Randolph Professor