Linda Vick

635 Prices Fork Road
Blacksburg VA 24060
I serve as one of three undergraduate academic and career advisors for undergraduate students in the Mechanical Engineering (ME) Department. I am a member of the ME Undergraduate Curriculum Committee, which helps shape our undergraduate policies and curriculum. Some of my other responsibilities include teaching undergraduate courses, scheduling ME courses on the timetable, and updating the ME undergraduate website. I also develop software to help track the progress of ME undergraduates and work with students who are not making sufficient progress towards their degree. I have walk-in advising hours on weekdays (no appointments needed) for current and prospective ME students (last names H-O).
I teach design-related classes such as ME 3624 and ME 3024.
- Ph.D. Materials Engineering Science - Virginia Tech, 1996
- M.S. Engineering Mechanics - Virginia Tech, 1987
- B.S. Mechanical Engineering - Virginia Tech, 1985