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UG/G Accepted Students

Congratulations on taking a big step toward earning your graduate degree! The information below will help you navigate the UG/G semesters and provide points of contact for graduate advising.

Next Steps

  1. Identify a faculty research advisor and discuss expectations for research during the academic year and summer.
  2. Complete the course designation form and submit it before the semester in which you plan to start double-counting courses.
  3. Accept the invitation to our ME and NE Advising Course on canvas.
  4. Review the Graduate Catalog for the policies and guidelines of the ME and NE graduate programs.



Students in the UG/G program should work with their undergraduate advisor and graduate advisor to identify courses to be double-counted. Graduate advisors are Cathy Hill (ME-Blacksburg) and Allison Jones (ME-DC, Virtual; NE-all campuses).


UGGs that pursue a non-research based or professional master's degree (MS non-thesis or MEng) can realistically complete the degree in one year after completing the bachelor's degree. You'll need to take 19 hours of coursework spread over a fall, spring and/or summer semester.

UGGs that want to pursue a research-based degree should start on their master's research as soon as possible. While it is rare, some students have completed a MS with thesis with only one additional year. It requires a great deal of time and effort (and a little bit of luck).

The advising relationship is important, especially in graduate school. Start with this research tags tool. Narrow down your interests, read papers, talk to students in research labs, and set up a time to meet with faculty about potential projects. You may want to take a class from your potential mentor!

You don't have to give up on graduate school just because you got the job of your dreams! Reach out to a graduate advisor to discuss your options. You may want to take a leave of absence for up to a year while you get settled in your new role. You can also take classes as a part-time, online student. It's possible that your employer will pay for some or all of your tuition.

We love it when UG/Gs decide to pursue their PhDs with us! Make sure that your faculty advisor is supportive, complete this change of degree form, and send it to your graduate advisor.

Research hours are not eligible for double-counting, but you should definitely start on your master's research as soon as possible. You can take up to 12 credit hours of coursework, and 6 of those hours can be at the 4000-level as long as a corresponding 5000-level course isn't offered. Talk to your undergrad advisor about which courses you can use.

Make an appointment with your academic advisor so you can switch to the higher level course to satisfy the degree requirement.

Check that you submitted your final course designation form. If you did, reach out to your graduate advisor so we can troubleshoot.