Distinguished Speaker Series: Knox Millsaps
October 11, 2023

Funding Opportunities at the Office of Naval Research
with Knox T. Millsaps
Department Head, Naval Air Warfare and Weapons
Office of Naval Research
Arlington, VA
October 12th, 9:30am
115 Goodwin Hall
This talk will present funding opportunities for Students and Faculty available through the Office of Naval Research (ONR) in a wide variety of programs. These including several student programs, such as student summer internships, graduate fellowships, scholarship-for-service, etc. Sponsored research and equipment grants for faculty will be presented as well as a number of other faculty opportunities, such as summer fellowships, sponsored sabbaticals, small business innovative research, and other funding opportunities for single investigator and group research. The general organization and scope of research for the whole of ONR will be provided and then a deeper dive into the specific research interests of the Department of Naval Air Warfare and Weapons will be discussed. The areas of research sponsorship cover a wide range of academic departments - aerospace, mechanical, electrical, and materials engineering – as well as topics in Physics and Chemistry in laser and high powered microwave technology and energetic materials.
Knox T. Millsaps is the Head of the Department of Air Warfare and Weapons at the Office of Naval Research (ONR) in Arlington, Virginia. He is a Professor and Chairman Emeritus at the Naval Postgraduate School (NPS) in Monterey, California. He worked at Pratt and Whitney (1983-1984) in the Military and Space Engines Division in West Palm Beach, FL, and in the Commercial Engines Division in East Hartford, CT (1985-1988). He has conducted research and published in the areas of Turbomachinery Aerodynamics, Heat Transfer, and Rotordynamics, diesel engine diagnostics, signal processing, advanced energy and thermodynamic cycles, and synthetic- and bio- fuel combustion He holds a Bachelor’s with High Honors in Engineering Science from the University of Florida and a Master’s and Doctorate in Aerospace Engineering from MIT. He was named an Outstanding Alumnus by the University of Florida in 2007. He is the recipient the Navy’s Meritorious and Superior Civilian Service Awards.