Nominations for Mechanical Engineering Society of Distinguished Alumni
March 8, 2023

The Department of Mechanical Engineering is now collecting nominations for the 2022 Class of Alumni to be inducted into the Mechanical Engineering Society of Distinguished Alumni during a formal event in Spring 2022.
Special consideration should be given to nominees who have achieved extraordinary accomplishments and/or stature over the course of their professional careers, as well as their longevity, consistency, and quality of professional contributions.
Nominee be a living alumnus or alumna of the Virginia Tech Mechanical Engineering Department.
The ME SoDA Committee will review all nominations and winners will be announced at the spring banquet.
The ME Society of Distinguished Alumni (MESoDA) is an honorary society open to qualified graduates, of the ME Department at Virginia Tech (at bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral levels). The fundamental purpose of the society is to provide a formal means of recognition of those alumni who have demonstrated extraordinary achievement in their careers. A major objective of the society is to promote greater interaction between ME Alumni and ME faculty, staff, and students. New society members will be announced and honored at an annual banquet to be held at the Blacksburg campus, or nearby a Virginia Tech ME site in Northern Virginia. All members will be referred to as Members of the (Virginia Tech Mechanical Engineering) Society of Distinguished Alumni.
- Extraordinary accomplishments and/or stature in professional career. This is the primary criterion.
- Ethical and moral standards.
- Longevity, consistency, and quality of professional contributions, accomplishments, and accolades/honors, including scholarship and administrative appointments for those employed in academia.
- Service to mechanical engineering or a related profession, through ASME or other professional organizations, speaking engagements, and other avenues.
- Record of assistance, especially in leadership positions, to their country, community, community-service organizations, and humanity in general.
- Record of involvement with, and service to Virginia Tech, with special emphasis on ME Department involvement. Recruiting of ME students for jobs, as well as recruiting of students to ME, is included here.
- Record of philanthropy.
- Outreach to under-represented populations through speaking engagements, community service, or mentorship in the service of diversifying Mechanical Engineering and STEM-related fields.
- Must be a living alumnus or alumna of the ME Department is a prerequisite for candidacy.
- Candidates deemed acceptable and approved by the Selection Committee are sent a letter by the Department Head announcing the anticipated date of society induction, and informing the candidate they are being considered for induction. The letter requests a CV or extended biography which is intended for review by a subset of the Selection Committee.
- Complete the PDF form and email the form plus the letter and nominee's CV to Mandy McCoy.
- Complete the online nomination form. This will require a google login. This form includes an upload link allowing nominators to attach a letter with the nominee's CV.