Results for: faculty
Redirect ItemAdvanced Vehicle Dynamics Laboratory , redirect
PI: Mehdi Ahmadian
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Redirect ItemHybrid Dynamic Systems and Robot Locomotion Lab , redirect
PI: Kaveh Akbari Hamed
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Redirect ItemAssistive Robotics Laboratory , redirect
PI: Alan Asbeck
Bio ItemOumar Barry , bio
Associate Professor
Redirect ItemVibrations and Robotics (VibRo) Lab , redirect
PI: Oumar Barry
Article ItemMichael Bartlett talks robotics and energy on the Soft Robotics Podcast , article
Assistant Professor Michael Bartlett appeared on the Soft Robotics Podcast to discuss energy, robotics, and shape morphing.
Redirect ItemSoft Materials and Structures Lab , redirect
PI: Michael Bartlett
Article ItemBahareh Bekham recognized as an emerging leader in biological engineering , article
Bahareh Behkam, associate professor and John R. Jones III Faculty Fellow in Mechanical Engineering, has been recognized as an emerging leader in biological engineering by a peer-reviewed journal.
Redirect ItemMicro/NanoScale Biotic/Abiotic Systems Engineering Laboratory , redirect
PI: Bahareh Behkam
Redirect ItemRobotics and Mechatronics Lab , redirect
PI: Pinhas Ben-Tzvi
Redirect ItemNature-Inspired Fluids and Interfaces Lab , redirect
PI: Jonathan Boreyko
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Redirect ItemCenter for Vehicle Systems and Safety (CVeSS) , redirect
PI: Mehdi Ahmadian
Article ItemME faculty honored as top teachers , article
Eleven faculty were recognized by the Dean of the Virginia Tech College of Engineering for outstanding performance in teaching.
Article ItemAzim Eskandarian to present at University of Delaware , article
November 18, 2022 at 11:00 am, Azim Eskandarian will present, "Connected autonomous vehicles safety and mobility benefits" at the University of Delaware.
Redirect ItemAutonomous Systems and Intelligent Machines Laboratory , redirect
PI: Azim Eskandarian
Article ItemAcar wins ICTAS seed funding , article
Pinar Acar has won $40,000 in seed funding from the Virginia Tech Institute for Critical Technology and Applied Science. The funds will be used to bolster research that will enable competition for larger grants.
Article ItemPinar Acar receives award to create a society event , article
Pinar Acar, assistant professor in mechanical engineering, has received the 2024 Frontiers of Materials Award by The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society. The award will fund a Frontiers of Materials Event, including a symposium on physics-informed machine learning for modeling and design of materials and manufacturing processes at the society's 2024 Annual Meeting & Exhibition. Acar will also be delivering the keynote speech at the symposium.
Article ItemMichael Bartlett named AMSE Rising Star , article
Michael Bartlett has been named a Rising Star by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers.
Article ItemLeong paper makes cover of journal , article
Research Assistant Professor Amanda Leong has written a paper featured on the cover of the September 2023 journal Corrosion and Materials Degradation.
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Article ItemSix faculty receive promotions at June board meeting , article
Six mechanical engineering faculty have received promotions following the proceedings of the June 2023 meeting of the Virginia Tech Board of Visitors.
Article ItemRaeymaekers inducted to the European Academy of Sciences and Arts , article
Bart Raeymaekers has been elected to the European Academy of Sciences and Arts. Raeymaekers and other new members will be formally inaugurated at the academy's plenary session on April 6th 2024 in Salzburg, Austria.
Article ItemSuyi Li wins ASME Mote Early Career Award , article
Suyi Li, associate professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering, is the recipient of the 2022 CD Mote, Jr., Early Career Award from the American Society of Mechanical Engineers.
Article ItemME faculty named among top 2% in the world , article
13 faculty from the Virginia Tech Department of Mechanical Engineering have been named to the list of top 2% of scientists in the world.
Article ItemJeff Warfford appointed Associate Editor of SAE Journal , article
Associate Professor Jeff Warfford has been appointed as Associate Editor of the International Journal of Commercial Vehicles, a journal of the Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE).
Article ItemKochersberger Lab develops drone technology for finding radioactive materials , article
From WSLS News: Kevin Kochersberger's team is working to create drones capable of finding radioactive materials in vehicles.
Redirect ItemVehicle Terrain Performance Laboratory , redirect
PI: John Ferris
Redirect ItemVibrations and Acoustics Laboratory , redirect
PI: Chris Fuller
Bio ItemAlireza Haghighat , bio
Robert E. Hord Jr. Professor, Director of Nuclear Engineering Program
Bio ItemAllison Jones , bio
Director of Graduate Programs
Redirect ItemMechanics of Living Materials Lab , redirect
PI: Sohan Kale
Article ItemKevin Kochersberger receives international outreach award from Virginia Tech provost , article
Associate Professor Kevin Kochersberger received the Alumni Award for Excellence for International Outreach from the Virginia Tech Provost at a May 10th reception at the Inn at Virginia Tech.
Redirect ItemUnmanned Systems Lab , redirect
PI: Kevin Kochersberger
Redirect ItemField and Space Experimental Robotics (FASER) Laboratory , redirect
PI: Erik Komendera
Redirect ItemExtreme Environments and Materials Lab , redirect
PI: Brian Lattimer
Bio ItemLisa Lawson , bio
Education Administrator
Redirect ItemTerrestrial Robotics Engineering and Controls (TREC) Lab , redirect
PI: Alexander Leonessa
Bio ItemPhaedra Lewis , bio
Director of Operations
Article ItemLing Li opens starfish exhibit at the Science Museum of Western Virginia , article
Ling Li's research into starfish skeletons is the subject of a new interactive exhibit now open at the Science Museum of Western Virginia.
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Redirect ItemCollab , redirect
PI: Dylan Losey
Bio ItemRoop Mahajan , bio
Lewis A. Hester Chair in Engineering
Redirect ItemGrapheneX and Thermal Engineering Lab , redirect
PI: Roop Mahajan
Article ItemIn Memoriam: Instructor Don Ohanehi , article
Don Ohanehi, an instructor with the Department of Mechanical Engineering, passed away on April 14, 2022.
Article ItemCommunity rallies to continue the legacy of Reza Mirzaeifar , article
A year after the passing of a beloved friend and colleague, a team of faculty and students have come together to carry on the critical research from his lab and help his students complete their education.
Redirect ItemFuture Materials Laboratory , redirect
PI: Reza Mirzaeifar
Article ItemRolf Mueller talks about biodiversity at TEDx Brunei , article
Rolf Mueller presented a TEDx talk at Universiti Brunei Darussalam, addressing the methods of nature's engineering and how it might apply to our own.
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Redirect ItemSpinnaret-based Tunable Engineering Paramenters (STEP) Lab , redirect
PI: Amrinder Nain
Redirect ItemNg Lab , redirect
PI: Wing Ng
Article ItemHaghighat part of US delegation at the IAEA ministerial meeting , article
Alireza Haghighat, professor of mechanical engineering and director of the nuclear engineering program at Virginia Tech, recently represented NEDHO at the IAEA Ministerial Conference on Nuclear Power in the 21st Century in October in Washington, DC.
Redirect ItemPalmore Research Group , redirect
PI: John Palmore, Jr.
Redirect ItemPaul Research Group , redirect
PI: Mark Paul
Bio ItemRanga Pitchumani , bio
George R. Goodson Professor
Redirect ItemAdvanced Materials and Technologies Laboratory , redirect
PI: Ranga Pitchumani
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Redirect ItemManufacturing and Tribology Laboratory , redirect
PI: Bart Raeymaekers
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Redirect ItemRailway Technologies Laboratory , redirect
PI: Medhi Ahmadian
Article ItemCorina Sandu wins FISITA 2023 Medal , article
Corina Sandu has been awarded the 2023 Fédération Internationale des Sociétés d'Ingénieurs des Techniques de l'Automobile (FISITA) Medal.
Redirect ItemTerramechanics, Multibody, and Vehicle Systems Laboratory , redirect
PI: Corina Sandu
Article ItemShahab wins ASME early achievement award , article
Shima Shahab has been named the recipient of the Gary Anderson Early Achievement Award from the Smart Materials, Adaptive Structures and Intelligent Systems Division of ASME.
Article ItemShahab named an emerging leader of smart materials and structures , article
Shima Shahab, Mary V. Jones Fellow and Associate Professor in Mechanical Engineering, has been named an Emerging Leader in Smart Materials and Structures by IOP Science.
Bio ItemShima Shahab , bio
Associate Professor, Mary V. Jones Faculty Fellow
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Redirect ItemApplied Autonomy and Mechatronics Research Lab , redirect
PI: Alfred J. Wicks
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