Distinguished Speaker Series: NSF Program Director Stephanie George
April 14, 2023

Navigating (and Hopefully Receiving) BME-Related Funding from NSF
with Stephanie George,
Program Director, National Science Foundation
April 20th, 9:30-10:30 AM, 310 Kelly Hall
George is on “loan” to NSF from East Carolina University, where she is an Associate Professor of Engineering. She joined the faculty of ECU in 2010 after completing a Post-Doctoral Fellowship and Ph.D. in Biomedical Engineering from Georgia Tech and Emory University. Dr. George’s research applies engineering frameworks to address cardiovascular problems with particular emphasis on computational modeling and image processing. Biomedical engineering fundamental research is supported across NSF directorates. This presentation will help trainees and research investigators to navigate the various NSF programs and opportunities. Last, the presentation includes tips for proposal preparation and submission. Come with questions related to opportunities at NSF.
Stephanie George is the Program Director for Engineering of Biomedical Systems (EBMS) within the Chemical, Bioengineering, Environmental and Transport Systems Division (CBET) at the National Science Foundation (NSF). Dr. George resides in a small town in eastern North Carolina with her husband and four children (ages 8 - 16). Although the pandemic has created additional challenges for juggling work and family life, the past few years have taught her to savor the tiny moments and bravely pursue unexpected opportunities.