Results for: Webinar
Article ItemDistinguished Seminar Series: Brenna Argall , article
Brenna Argall of Northwestern University presents, "Assistive Autonomy Revisited" on Thursday, September 22 at 2:00 pm.
Article ItemDistinguished Series: Jerry Qi , article
Jerry Qi presents, "Multimaterial Additive Manufacturing and Design for 4D Printing"
Article ItemDistinguished Seminar Series: Tony Huang , article
Tony Huang presents: Acoustofluidics: merging acoustics and fluid mechanics for biomedical applications
Article ItemDistinguished Speaker Series: Knox Millsaps , article
Knox Millsaps, Department Head of Naval Air Warfare and Weapons with the Office of Naval Research, presents, "Funding Opportunities at the Office of Naval Research."
Article ItemDistinguished Series: Neleesh A. Patankar , article
Neleesh Patankar, Professor of Mechanical Engineering at Northwestern University, presents, "Equilibrium and Non-equilibrium Phase Change Near Surfaces."
Article ItemDistinguished Speaker Series: Sharon Swartz , article
The world in a wing: the integrative biology of bat flight
Article ItemDistinguished Speaker Series: Liangbing (Bing) Hu , article
Liangbing (Bing) Hu presents, "Emerging Energy Materials: Joule Heating and Wood" in a visit from the University of Maryland, College Park.
Article ItemDistinguished Speaker Series: Katia Bertoldi , article
Katia Bertoldi presents, "Inflatable matter: from soft robots to reconfigurable structures."
Article ItemDistinguished Seminar Series: Ramanarayanan Balachandran , article
Ramanarayanan Balachandran, Professor of Energy Technologies at University College London, presents, "Hydrogen and ammonia combustion technologies for a decarbonized energy future."
Article ItemDistinguished Speaker Series: Ioana Voiculescu , article
"Innovative MEMS Sensors for Biological Applications Researched and Developed at The City College of New York" with Ioana Voiculescu, Associate Professor, The City College of New York
Article ItemDistinguished Speaker Series: Leila Ladani , article
Leila Ladani presents, "Moore’s law ahead: mixing old and new to keep it alive?" March 30th, 3:00 pm.
Article ItemDistinguished Speaker Series: Henry Chu , article
Henry Chu of the University of Florida presents, "Fundamentals and applications of diffusiophoresis: Particle motion induced by solute concentration gradients."
Article ItemDistinguished Speaker Series: Wei Gao , article
"Skin-Interfaced Wearable Biosensors" with Cal Tech's Wei Gao
Article ItemDistinguished Series: Bahareh Behkam , article
Engineering at the Microscale: From Cancer-Fighting Robots to Infection-free Biomedical Devices
Article ItemDistinguished Series: Caleb Rucker , article
"Designing New Continuum Robot Structures for Surgery" with Caleb Rucker, B. Ray Thompson Professor, University of Tennessee Knoxville
Article ItemDistinguished Series: Raffaella De Vita , article
Raffaella De Vita presents, "The Vagina Dialogues: Breaking Taboos with Biomechanics"
Article ItemDistinguished Speaker Series: NSF Program Director Stephanie George , article
Stephanie George presents, "Navigating (and Hopefully Receiving) BME-Related Funding from NSF."
Article ItemDistinguished Speaker Series: Kevin Turner , article
Kevin Turner presents, "Mechanics of Interfaces with Switchable Adhesion."
Article ItemEngineering Mechanics Seminar Series: Eric Limacher , article
Eric Limacher, University of Calgary, presents, "Towards a General Theory of Accelerating Airfoils"
Article ItemIDEA Seminar Series: Indigenous at VT , article
In this session, Mae Hey will conduct an open discussion from the Indigenous perspective, answering questions to help broaden understanding of that people group.
Article ItemNuclear Seminar: Rose Montgomery , article
Nuclear energy is essential to meet the world’s growing demand for energy while limiting climate change and reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Nuclear energy is extremely reliable, and it can be deployed on large or small scales to supply the world with clean, affordable electricity. However, like all energy sources, nuclear power produces some waste that must be disposed of properly. In this talk I discuss why nuclear is a clean option for energy production, examine the nuclear fuel waste produced by commercial power production, discuss the options related to used fuel management, and take a look at what other countries are doing to manage their used nuclear fuel.
Article ItemNuclear Webinar: Igor Bolotnov , article
Igor Bolotnov of North Carolina State University presents, "High resolution simulations of two-phase reactor-relevant flows."
Article ItemNuclear Seminar: David Freeman , article
David Freeman from Oak Ridge National Laboratory presents, "Generation and Use of Spallation Neutrons" on Monday, September 26 at 9:00 am.
Article ItemNuclear Webinar: Pascal Bellon , article
Paul Bellon presents, "Self-organized alloy microstructures for extreme environments," Dec 2, 2022 at 10:10 AM.
Article ItemNuclear seminar: Luka Snoj , article
Luka Snoj, Head of Reactor Physics Division, Jozef Stefan Institute, Slovenia, Associate Prof. (Ljubljana University), Adjunct Professor (VT), will give a talk entitled "From Splitting to Merging: The Dual Faces of Nuclear Power"
Article ItemNuclear seminar: Xu Wu , article
Xu Wu presents, "Inverse Uncertainty Quantification with Machine Learning for Nuclear Reactor Simulations."
Article ItemNuclear seminar: Lingfeng He , article
Lingfeng He, Associate Professor of Nuclear Engineering at NCSU, will give a talk entitled "Advanced Characterization of Materials Corrosion in Molten Salt Environments."
Article ItemNuclear Seminar: Mehdi Asgari , article
"Overview of Virtual Environment for Reactor Applications" with Mehdi Asgari, Oak Ridge National Lab.
Article ItemNuclear seminar: Dean Wang , article
Dean Wang, Associate Professor of Nuclear Engineering, The Ohio State University, presents, "On the Smoothness of the Neutron Transport Solution and Its Implication on Numerical Convergence"
Article ItemNuclear Seminar: Taylor Loy and Sonja Schmid , article
Taylor Loy and Sonja Schmid present, "The Double Life of Tritium: Material Ambivalence in the U.S. Nuclear Infrastructure."
Article ItemNuclear Seminar: Xiaofeng Guo , article
Xiaofeng Guo presents, "Chemistry and thermodynamics of nuclear fuel materials."
Article ItemNuclear seminar: Roland Backhaus , article
Roland Backhaus, Esq, Executive VP, USNC, presents "An Introduction to Ultra Safe Nuclear Corporation, the Micro Modular Reactor, and Fully Ceramic Microencapsulated Fuel."
Article ItemNuclear seminar: Chi Bum Bahn , article
Chi Bum Bahn of Pusan National University presents, "Research Activities on Materials Degradation in Nuclear Power Systems."
Article ItemNuclear seminar: Harlan Bowers , article
Harlan Bowers presents, "New Nuclear – The Transformative Potential of Small Modular and Micro-Reactors."
Article ItemNuclear seminar: Brian Boyer , article
Brian Boyer, Consultant with LucidCatalyst, former IAEA INPRO Section Head, will give a talk entitled "IAEA INPRO Guidance on Proliferation Resistance Key Concepts for New Nuclear Reactors and Fuel Cycles."
Article ItemNuclear seminar: Alireza Haghighat , article
Alireza Haghighat, Professor and Director of the VT NE Program, presents, "New Paradigm for Real-Time, High-Fidelity Particle Transport Simulation with Monte Carlo Accuracy"
Article ItemNuclear Seminar: Japan Patel , article
Neutron diffusion theory has been an essential part of nuclear engineering training for decades. It provides reactor analysts with a straightforward way to estimate neutron distributions and evaluate the neutronic behavior of reactor cores. The interview seminar will begin with a brief derivation of the one-speed neutron diffusion equation and will briefly touch upon a couple of the projects Dr. Patel has been involved with. Conclusion will include discussion on teaching philosophy and interests.
Article ItemNuclear seminar: Toni Karlsson , article
Toni Karlsson, Research Scientist, INL, will give a talk entitled: "Investigations into Potential Fuel Salts for Molten Salt Reactors: Synthesis, Characterization, and Property Determination"
Article Item
Article ItemNuclear seminar: Christina Leggett , article
Dr. Christina Leggett, Consultant, Booz Allen Hamilton, will give a talk entitled: "Reimagining the Nuclear Fuel Cycle to Support a Sustainable Nuclear Future,"
Article ItemNuclear seminar: Amanda Leong , article
Amanda Leong, Research Assistant Professor in Nuclear Engineering Program at Virginia Tech, will give a talk entitled, "Purification of molten salts and identification of impurities."
Article ItemNuclear Seminar: Yang Liu , article
Yang Liu, Associate Professor at Virginia Tech, presents, "Advancing Two-Phase Flow Research with Computer Vision and Generative Neural Networks."
Article ItemNuclear Seminar: Michael Smith , article
Michael Smith presents, "Determining a preferred energy system configuration: A multi-parameter adaptable technology selection framework for nuclear-renewable hybrid energy systems."
Article ItemNuclear Webinar: Marisa Monreal , article
At Los Alamos National Laboratory, a research program has been developed focusing on the study of chemical and thermophysical properties of actinide-molten salt systems. Currently ongoing work includes research on a range of length scales in these systems, from local structure to macroscale properties. The salt systems focused upon thus far are molten alkali and alkaline earth metal chlorides containing uranium and thorium chlorides; work later this calendar year will include plutonium chloride, and planning is underway to expand our sample range to include fluoride salts, and systems containing beryllium. In this seminar, this LANL actinide-molten salt research program will be described, including some of our most recent results and highlighting two of our more mature experimental capabilities: our use of neutron radiography to measure the density of actinide-molten salts at the Los Alamos Neutron Science Center (LANSCE) and our electroanalytical capability to study corrosion and speciation in actinide-molten salts.
Article ItemNuclear Seminar: Brian Stroh , article
High Fidelity Whole Core Reactor Eigenvalue Calculation using the Hybrid Deterministic and Monte Carlo RAPID Code System
Article ItemNuclear seminar: Valerio Mascolino , article
Valerio Mascolino, Nuclear Engineer, Research and Test Reactor Group, Argonne National Laboratory, will give a talk entitled: "The U.S. High Performance Research Reactor (USHPRR) Project."
Article ItemNuclear Seminar: Haiyan Zhao , article
Haiyan Zhao presents, "Corrosion Behavior and Control of SS316H in Impure NaCl-MgCl₂ Molten Salts: Experimental Study and Long-Term Predictions."
Article ItemNuclear seminar: Lou Martinez Sancho , article
Lou Martinez Sancho, VP of Strategy and Innovation at Kairos Power, presents "Leveraging rapid iteration and vertical integration to deliver certainty for advanced reactor technology."
Article ItemNuclear Seminar: Christian Zühlke , article
Relevance and Determination of the critical Hydrogen in High Strength Steel and Welding Application
Article ItemNuclear webinar: Guanyi Wang , article
"Overview of Research Reactor and Conversion Efforts for Nonproliferation at Argonne" with Guanyi Wang, Argonne National Laboratory.
Article ItemNuclear webinar: Alex Bataller , article
"Ultrafast Spectroscopy and Plasma Engineering for Advancing Molten Salt Reactors" with Alex Bataller
Article ItemNuclear webinar: Guanyu Su , article
Turn the Power Up for Nuclear Systems
Article ItemNuclear seminar: Patrick Huber , article
Patrick Huber presents, "Neutrinos & Nuclear Security."
Article ItemNuclear Seminar: Jhansi Kandasamy , article
Idaho National Lab (INL) is leveraging its 70-year history in innovative nuclear research to forge a path to net-zero carbon emissions. Net-Zero Program Director, Jhansi Kandasamy, will present a talk titled “Net-Zero INL: Leading by Example to Change the World’s Energy Future.”
Article ItemNuclear seminar: Jonathan Link , article
Jonathan Link presents, "CHANDLER Antineutrino Detection System and Nuclear Reactor Monitoring," October 20, 2023, 10:10 am, Foggy Bottom Room, VTRC, Arlington.
Article ItemNuclear webinar: Matthieu Aumand , article
"Framatome PROtect ATF solutions: Cr-coated M5Framatome and SiC cladding design" with Matthieu Aumand.
Article ItemNuclear webinar: Mingda Li , article
Machine learning on neutron, X-ray, and electron radiation probes for materials research
Article ItemNuclear seminar: Nathan Roskoff , article
Dr. Nathan Roskoff, Lead Reactor Physics Engineer, Westinghouse Electric Company, will give a talk entitled, "eVinci, AP300, and Beyond – Westinghouse’s Power Generation Solutions for the Next Generation."
Article ItemNuclear webinar: Luka Snoj , article
Luka Snoj presents, "Research Reactor Benchmark Experiments."
Article ItemNuclear webinar: Olivier Tissot , article
Olivier Tissot presents, "The importance of nano-characterization in the radiation induced segregation (RIS) phenomena in ferritic model alloys."
Article ItemNuclear Webinar: Youho Lee , article
Performance assessment of Cr-coated Accident Tolerant Fuel (ATF) cladding: status, implications, and remaining challenges
Article ItemNuclear Seminar: Glenn E. Sjoden , article
Glenn E. Sjoden presents, "Recent development in computational radiation transport methods and data science."
Article ItemRobotics Seminar: Tayfun Efe Ertop , article
Innovations in Surgery Using Soft & Continuum Robots with Tayfun Efe Ertop, Vanderbilt University
Article ItemNuclear seminar: Rani Franovich , article
Rani Franovich, Principal Consultant and Expert Witness, Nuclear ROSE Consulting, LLC, will give a talk entitled “The Time is Now: Nuclear Energy’s Past, Present, and Promise for the Future”
Article ItemDistinguished Speaker Series: Sarah Bergbreiter , article
"Microsystems-inspired Robotics," with Sarah Bergbreiter, Carnegie Mellon University.
Article ItemME Seminar: Laminar Boundary Layers , article
This lecture will present an introduction to the theory and application of laminar boundary layers.
Article ItemDistinguished Seminar Series: Leila Ladani , article
"Manufacturing Meets Medicine" with Leila Ladani, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Arizona State University
Article ItemSeminar: Matt Nowinski, The Boeing Company , article
Mechatronics Systems Seminar
Article Item
Article ItemNuclear Seminar: Sandra Sloan , article
Sandra M. Sloan, Senior Advisor – Product Development, BWXT Advanced Technologies, LLC
Article ItemSeminar (rescheduled): Serife Tol , article
Serife Tol, Assistant Professor at the University of Michigan, presents, "Reconfigurable Elastic Metasurfaces for Anomalous Wavefront Shaping."
Article ItemNuclear Seminar: Vaibhav Sinha , article
This presentation will provide an overview of the design, operation, performance analysis, and experimental results of the novel NXCT system, including the future vision of nuclear and radiological engineering utilizing advanced research and teaching infrastructure in academics and research environments. The second part of the talk will briefly describe various research projects performed by the presenter and the associated research group.
Article ItemIDEA webinar: Hiring Practices for Diversity with Lance Collins , article
It is possible to achieve diversity in the faculty of technical disciplines such as Mechanical Engineering. In my experience, it requires two ingredients: first, there must be an unwavering commitment by the leadership of the department and the college; and second, there must be careful attention paid to the practices that underlie the selection of the search committee, the search process itself, the identification of finalists, and recruitment of the top candidate.
Article ItemWebinar: The Standardization of Parts in Product Development , article
The standardization of parts is a fundamental aspect of Design for Manufacturing (DFM), which can simplify product development efforts, lower the cost of parts and materials, simplify supply chain management, improve quality, improve serviceability, and support lean production. In product development, the part standardization presents the greatest opportunities for new design and significant cost reduction. Various product development projects from industries related to the standardization of parts and the standardization strategy will be presented.
Article ItemRobotics Seminar: Guillaume Bellegarda , article
Deep Learning, Optimal Control, and Bio-Inspired Control for Dynamic Robots
Article ItemSeminar: Human-Robot Teams with Tariq Iqbal , article
"Toward Fluent Collaboration in Human-Robot Teams," with Tariq Iqbal, University of Virginia.
Article ItemIDEA webinar and panel: What's an Engineer? , article
Solving engineering problems is demanding from a technical standpoint but dealing with people’s preconceived notions can be an equal trial. Susan will discuss the challenges she has faced while finding her confidence and place of belonging throughout her engineering career and will offer tips for dealing with similar situations.
Article ItemNuclear Webinar: Emily Liu , article
We look into methodology development based on neutron scattering techniques to “visualize” the complex phenomena. This visualization must integrate scattering experimental analysis, simulation, and theory to provide real space images of such phenomena. And their use in understanding energy systems, medical materials/imaging, and engineering processes is highly promising. Exploratory neutron scattering methodology development for molten salts as energy storage medium will be discussed in the presentation.
Article ItemRobotics Seminar: Noel Naughton , article
Imaging, mechanics, and control of active, architected fibers
Article ItemNuclear webinar: Jarod Worden , article
Nanoporous High entropy alloys: a new class of materials with remarkable mechanical properties
Article ItemNuclear seminar: Derek Rountree , article
Derek Rountree, Senior Research Scientist at Luna Innovations Inc., will give a talk entitled "Fiber optic sensing for nuclear power applications."
Article ItemNuclear Webinar: Shanbin Shi , article
Shanbin Shi presents,"Multiphase Flow Experiments and Modeling on Advanced Nuclear Energy Systems."
Article ItemNuclear Webinar: Jovica Riznic , article
Jovica Riznic presents, "Nuclear Power in Canada," March 17 at 10:10 am.
Article ItemDistinguished Speaker Series: Giorgio Rizzoni , article
Mobility is undergoing dramatic transformations that will radically change the way we move and access work and leisure time. This presentation focuses on how increasingly connected and automated vehicles can achieve unprecedented fuel economy gains. The presentation is based on the results of the first phase of the ARPA-E NEXTCAR project, and introduces a hierarchical control approach that exploits vehicle connectivity and automated driving capabilities to enhance the fuel economy capability of light-duty passenger vehicles. The use of cloud-based route optimization, coupled with adaptation to local traffic conditions via machine learning algorithms, and with the use of increasing levels of automation to shape the expected short-term vehicle load, permits the optimization of powertrain and vehicle longitudinal velocity control achieve near-optimal fuel economy thanks to the ability to predict the near-term future. The ability to realize such capabilities in production vehicles, demonstrated in this project, is around the corner, and will play a key role in shaping the future of personal and commercial mobility.
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Article ItemSeminar: Bioinspired swimming with Phandindra Tallapragada, Clemson University , article
Phanindra Tallapragada presents, "Internal Actuation and Passive Degrees of Freedom for Unconventional Mobility and Sensing in Bioinspired Swimming," March 24th at 1 pm.
Article ItemNuclear Seminar: Bruce Vogelaar , article
R. Bruce Vogelaar, Virginia Tech Professor of Physics, will present, "Reducing global warming: unblocking a nuclear energy solution," on Friday, September 30, 2022 at 10:10 am.
Article ItemWebinar: Governing Equation for the Profile of a Pneumatic Tire , article
In this lecture, the geometric parameters describing the equilibrium profile of the tire, the equations describing the membrane stresses, and the governing equation for the shape of the equilibrium profile for an inflated, pneumatic tire will be presented.