Nuclear Seminar: David Freeman
September 23, 2022

Generation and Use of Spallation Neutrons
with David Freeman, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Monday, September 26, 9:00-10:00 am
117A Randolph Hall
The Spallation Neutron Source at Oak Ridge National Laboratory generates neutrons through the bombardment of mercury with high energy protons. Neutrons are moderated and used to probe material properties. Some associated nuclear engineering concepts geared to compare and contrast course material at the undergraduate level will be presented.
David Freeman has over thrirty years experience in national laboratory and academic settings in accelerator and research operations. He serves in a ledership role for the accelerator community in the development, preperation, and review of Department of Energy (DOE) accelerator standards. He served in a variety of roles at ORNL’s Spallation Neutron Source, including safety analysis, operations management, and beam utilization. He has led and served on multiple Accelerator Readiness Reviews (ARRs) and other reivews at peer facilities across the DOE accelerator community. He was a Research/Assistant Professor of Nuclear Engineering at the University of Missouri S&T and at Kansas State University. He also served as Director/Manager of the University of Missouri S&T Research Reactor.