Nuclear Seminar: Christian Zühlke
June 2, 2022

Relevance and Determination of the critical Hydrogen in High Strength Steel and Welding Application
with Christian Zühlke, BRUKER AXS GmbH, Karlsruhe, Germany
Thursday, June 9th, 10:30am – 12:00pm
440 Goodwin Hall
Hydrogen embrittlement is a prevalent issue caused by the absorption or retention of hydrogen in metals which could alter the mechanical properties of metals. Bruker manufactures instruments for elemental analysis from 100% down to the sub-ppb trace level, which would be beneficial in determining the hydrogen content in metals and ensuring high manufacturing quality before deployment. Experts from Bruker AXS GmbH, Germany, will hold a seminar at Virginia Tech on the relevance and determination of the critical hydrogen in high-strength steel and welding application. The seminar is open to all interested in elemental analysis and chemical characterization of materials.
Christian Zühlke is a chemical technician with many years of analytical experience and an expert in elemental analysis. He has worked with different chemical labs for medical, environmental, and metal testing. Since 2011, Christian has served as a Business Development Manager for Bruker AXS GmbH in Germany. His main expertise is the chemical characterization of materials regarding Carbon, Sulphur, Oxygen, Nitrogen, Hydrogen, and Argon.