Nuclear Webinar: Jovica Riznic
March 15, 2023

Nuclear Power in Canada
with Jovica Riznic, P.Eng., PhD., FASME, Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission
Friday, March 17, 2023
This webinar provides a short historical summary of the evolution of the CANDU nuclear power system in Canada and abroad and a discussion of bringing small modular reactors into the energy system.
Jovica Riznic works as technical specialist with Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission. Within International nuclear regulatory community, Dr Jovica Riznic is best known for his contribution to research and application of effective regulation of nuclear power plants, particularly related to steam generators as one of the key safety significant components. Active in professional societies, particularly in ASME, Jovica Riznic has served the engineering profession and community with distinction and exceptional dedication; he is current Chair of the ASME Nuclear Engineering Division’s Executive Committee (2022-2023. One of his the most prominent recent ASME activities have been with the International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE) where he served as a track lead organizer since 1998, and currently is on the Conference Co-Chair for the ICONE-30 to be held in Kyoto, Japan.