Nicholas H. Des Champs, Ph.D.
Advisory Board Member

President and Founder
Des Champs Technologies Corporation
- BSME, Virginia Tech 1962
- Ph.D., Mechanical Engineering, Heat Transfer and Thermodynamics, 1967, Virginia Tech
- 1962 - 1963, Atlantic Research, Springfield, VA
- 1966 - 1971 at Sanders Associates, Nashua, New Hampshire involved with developing countermeasures systems for U.S. Navy fighter aircraft, study of reentry heat transfer, and many other thermodynamics and heat transfer projects.
- 1971 - 1974, VP for an engineering development company in New York City.
- 1974 - 2007, founder and president of Des Champs Technologies, a manufacturer of very special air conditioning and energy recovery equipment.
- 1997 Master Entrepreneur of the Year, 2010 inducted into the Virginia Tech Academy of Engineering Excellence.
- Served on the VaTech Engineering Advisory Board and the Mechanical Engineering Advisory Board and the VMI Engineering Advisory Board.